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LASIK surgery can come with risks

On Behalf of | May 23, 2018 | Medical Malpractice

For some West Des Moines patients considering LASIK or other refractive surgery, they may wonder about the risks and complications that could accompany the procedure intended to improve their eyesight. It can be important to be aware of the potential risks before deciding to move forward with the procedure. Of course, while some risks may be unavoidable, other risks can be avoided when doctors are thorough and accurate in their approach to the surgery.

Some risks of refractive surgery can be particularly serious and must be kept in mind, particularly those caused by doctor errors. For some patients, LASIK comes with reduced vision or lost lines of vision that cannot be corrected with additional surgery, glasses or contact lenses. For other patients, refractive surgery can cause them to develop halos, glare or difficult night vision after the procedure. The surgery can also cause some patients to develop dry eyes to the extent that their vision is affected.

The visual outcomes can also vary from patient to patient; only some patients achieve perfect vision and can truly throw away their glasses or contact lenses. Many patients will still need vision correction after the surgery, including reading glasses. While other patients may need a lower prescription, they may still need ongoing vision corrected. The effects of the surgery can vary greatly due to the competence and skill of the doctor that performs it or the quality of the equipment used in the procedure.

People who have gone through laser eye surgery and emerged with worsened or damaged vision may have good reason to be concerned about how this took place. In some cases, a malfunctioning device or a surgical error may have caused the negative results. A medical malpractice attorney might be able to advise patients on the potential next steps in moving to seek compensation for the permanent damage to their vision.


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